- Skipping breakfast while nagging kids to eat
- Going to bed before reading to kids
- Not knowing when my children have a half-day of school
- Coming *thisclose* to saying out loud in class how immensely irritating I find a student
- Counting days until summer break
- Entertaining thoughts of running away [just for a
monthfew days] - Arguing with husband about clip-on fans vs. small box fans
- Shrieking mean words at husband from 2nd floor
- Typing a blog post while children try to engage me in conversation
- Not knowing what my son has been talking to me about for the last 10 minutes
- Constantly contriving reasons to get in my new car & drive
- Freaking the f*ck out when people call my new car a MINIVAN
- Feeling the urge to say f*ck often
Thursday 13 - Loads of f*cking fun for everyone!