Regardless of the reasons or plausibility, this infliction makes me halt all activities that don't immediately affect my health or well-being (so basically I've been going to work, eating, sleeping, and occasionally interacting with husband & children). I'm trying to work through it by saying it out loud, to you. So you can tell me I'm crazy; I don't listen to myself very well sometimes.
Fantastical ideas I've been having lately, for no good reasons:
- Being a stay-at-home mom again
- Buying a new house
- Changing to a different church (this is totally Donald Miller's fault as I've been reading Blue Like Jazz)
- Attempting to be a real-live author
- Teaching overseas
- Moving overseas, teaching or not
- Begging LiveWire! to let me work for them
- Taking classes to really finally become a decent cook
- Hiring a housekeeper
- Buying an entirely new wardrobe
- Staying in bed for 72 hours
- Getting a dog
- Fasting
- Trying out for Survivor