Tuesday, September 11, 2007

actual exercise, day 1

Captain's Log, Stardate 091107: I awoke at 0600, brushed teeth, donned a sweater over my pajama uniform, and laced into highly ineffective non-athletic footwear. I then proceeded to consume one "Berries GoMega" Nourishing Food Bar to combat low blood sugar symptoms. The climate outside the mother ship was warm with no wind or precipitation present. I made my rendezvous with Jenhura midroad. As we walked continuously around the assemblage of housing units, we engaged in lively conversation, centering on highly confidential information of a parental nature. I recorded 5975 steps as of our end time at 0700. I then retreated to my home unit with a minor amount of perspiration due to the unseasonable warmth. My end status was surprisingly invigorated and alert. Unfortunately, tomorrow I must be at Planet School by 0800 to discuss attendance issues, thus necessitating an earlier preparation time. In addition, I have been requested by the Commander of Planet School to consider an advanced position requiring me to arrive by 0710 each day in order to interact with juveniles pursuing independent educational avenues. I must ponder this new direction in the coming days, after consultation with my second-in-command, Mister Stulu. In the meantime, I will be unable to meet with Jenhura for further exercise.

Captain Stephanie D. Spencer, recording

I have no idea why the nerdification of this post; it crept up and possessed me. I blame Suz and her recent acquisition of a hammered copper Enterprise. I mocked it, but clearly am subconsciously jealous. Carry on.