Next, tomorrow is the last day of my lazy-posting life. And perhaps my sanity as we know it (which is showing some spots of wear). Cheer some more.
Thirdly (which I don't believe is really a word; if so, it is a bad one and I shant use it again), my Cowboys lost (badness) but while that was happening, I was adoring Mr. Tumnus James McAvoy with all of my heart (gladness). Let's enjoy him again right now:

Oh. So much better.
And then, my partner in McAvoy adoration Lisa gave me this book, which will make my future (EVERYDAY) posts the picture of blog perfection.
AND THEN - I have registered for the BlogHer conference and reserved a room at the superritzylushandelegant Westin St. Francis! I am praying (hourly) that Lisa & Kate can be there with me for a kick-ass girls' weekend in San Francisco. We'll be in Union Square, near a chocolate factory, with free wi-fi. Throw in a little you-know-who and it will be like heaven on Earth. Perhaps I'll begin praying by the minute...