[Insert acceptable segue way here]
This morning, I amazed myself by coming up with 1) a calm demeanor in the face of a 9-year old ranting about not being able to type and wishing he had chosen to do it tomorrow instead and 2) a genius plan to keep everyone's sanity throughout the typing ordeal.
Yesterday, in smart parent mode, I told my son to schedule a time this weekend to finish his social studies paper in order to avoid a
Because God is good, I was able to say "Let's go get breakfast and talk about it" as opposed to "I AM GOING TO STRANGLE THE LIFE OUT OF YOU IN TWO SECONDS" while kindly shooing him downstairs. As I left my room, I spied the book we've been
On the other end of the personality spectrum, my daughter emerged from bed smiling & joyous even though she had been sleepwalking and barfing in the middle of the night. She was excited about this being the first day to sell her Girl Scout cookies and asked if she could put on her Brownie vest & skirt to solicit the neighbors. Please do, Dream Child! Of course it had to end - once she realized that we, the non-Scouting parents, would not be doing the actual talking for her, there was much sadness. Wailing, sobbing, stomping, whining, possibly some gnashing of teeth. But again, the grace of God was upon us as my husband & I calmly outlined how if she did her part of the business (contacting our close friends and relatives on her own), we would be willing to take the order forms to our workplaces. This was repeated mantra-like in a monotone voice for the next hour (yes, HOUR) until my best friend Jen stopped over and Paige quietly picked up her order form and recited her sales pitch. I am simply brilliant (today, anyway).