Anyway, I did not figure out yesterday if our X is actually my X. But today there was a new student in the class I was supervising who needed to go to the computer lab; I asked his name and PRAISE JESUS it was X and he is not, in fact, my [not so] secret crush. I have a feeling the look of utter relief on my face when he told me his name was puzzling, but that is far better than the look of blushing horror I would have worn if Grocery Boy showed up in my classroom.
And later, I engaged in some other interesting encounters & conversations with other students. It is all part of my evil plan to build rapport and establish meaningful relationships with them through which I will wickedly impart actual knowledge of various subjects. Learn from me:
- Salvia is a new fun thing to smoke and IT'S LEGAL. That was a really important fact they wanted to emphasize.
- Watching other people fall down and do stupid things is hilarious.
- Having 12 hours to complete missing work doesn't matter when your friends are around during those 12 hours.
- Dark blue denim can apparently only be seen by females; two boys insisted a girl's jeans were black even when I made them put their black shoes next to the girl and it was obvious they were different colors.
- If one had to eat a baggie of pot in order to avoid being arrested for possession, it wouldn't taste bad. (I respectfully disagreed; they shook their heads at my ignorance).
Tune in tomorrow when I will surely have more fun facts to pass on.