Time of Arrival:
2105 PST
Neighborhood Wild Oats
Primary = Secure late dinner
Secondary = Indulge midlife delusions
Scan checkout lanes; New Secret Crush not located. Proceed to deli counter. Choose package of California rolls. Move to frozen aisle with plan to obtain egg rolls. Remember possibility of egg rolls in freezer at home. Reach for cell phone in purse. ALERT - Old Secret Crush at 4 o'clock, approximately 15 feet away stocking frozen foods. OSC inquires about my need for assistance; response is negative. Communication with husband via phone inconclusive. Investigate frozen pizza rolls, mozzarella sticks, mushroom bites while maintaining peripheral view of OSC; rationale unknown. Reconsider deli counter for no apparent reason; return to frozen foods aisle and pick up bag of spring rolls. Peruse wines in cold case. Walk toward checkout via frozen foods aisle. OSC repeats inquiry/offer of assistance; response again negative with weak attempt at clever banter. Continue to checkout. Converse pleasantly with female clerk. NSC unseen. End mission.
2120 PST