I was invited on a playdate in Portland last night,

at the home of CamiKaos.
Miss Burrows was the co-host & other counselor.
(Don't ask what is sticking up in front of her...)
There was ambiance.
There was a bodyguard.
Other cool people were invited to play.
with excellent shoes & wit.
Her toughness kind of scared me.
And her sparkly brand-new, beaten-from-the-hands-of-an-unsuspecting-yuppie, iPhone.
There was reading material.
There were snacks.
(Joleine baked, frosted, & decorated these, on her sprained ankle.
Seriously, still a little scared).
(The sprinkles, not the cupcakes - they were delicious!)
Then there was a show! I'm famous(ish)!
There were more snacks.
There were threats.
Brain cells maybe.
Thanks, most excellent counselors!
I can't wait for the next installment.
Maybe there will be a show & tell.
How about Truth or Dare with the folks next door?
The weather was great. Wish you were there.