I hesitate to give you any more wacky shit to infect your mind about me, yet the darling Ms. Tami at Toy Cars in My Purse asked and so I give in.
The Rules: Link to the person who tagged you. Mention the rules. Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself. *[Tag six other bloggers by linking to them. Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment to let them know that they’ve been tagged.]
Without further ado, behold my Six Quirky Details:
- I briefly [secretly, in my silly twisted mind] considered getting a red dragon tattoo in yet another vain attempt to have Fountains of Wayne notice me.
- I turn all the labels of food in the pantry to face out. Obsessively, on purpose.
- I enjoy eating grapes, strawberries, bananas & pineapple yet truly dislike most grape-, strawberry-, banana- or pineapple-flavored things.
- I tend to not shower on Cowboy game days (there are very clear, not crazy reasons for this that I might go into when the season starts...in 38 days)
- I get new calendars in August instead of January.
- I very rarely change my earrings.
*I am breaking the rules on this sunny summer Thursday and not tagging people. Please leave a comment/link if you're going to play along and reveal your psychological defects quirkiness so we can all come feel less weird about ourselves enjoy.