Something about Thursdays just shouts "RANDOM." I was already in a muddled-head state trying to decide what to talk about (nothing coherent was the consensus) then popped over to This Wonderful, Crazy Life and found her post for today is "Random Thoughts, Again." One of our local radio stations hosts "Totally Random Thursdays" for people to call in and discuss whatever crosses their minds. It's just in the air.
Random Bit #1
We have no school tomorrow so today feels very Friday - I wore my Impress Your Friends - Participate in Class t-shirt [thanks, little sis] and my Ed Hardy sneakers; students were decidedly stir crazy and incapable of retaining facts beyond "There is no school tomorrow"; I'm giddily looking forward to having chanterelles, wine, brie & bread with my man while watching Survivor AND episodes of Mad Men AND The Sopranos until the wee hours. I might fit in some time for Wii Fit (though I'm not looking forward to it shaking its little Wii Fit Balance Board fist at me for missing 2 weeks a few days).
Randomosity #2
I baked four mini-loaves of banana chocolate chip bread last night and can't stop patting myself on the back (and taking bites every time I walk through the kitchen). I will be baking more tonight and possibly tomorrow, not [only] because it's so delicious but because I have at least 18 black bananas in my freezer; they're encroaching on space for actual food products. And they gross out the kids & neighbors.
RamalamaRandomness #3
I'm feeling inordinately excited about the bamboo utensils that arrived from Pampered Chef today. Maybe they will help me actually plan & prepare meals more than 5 minutes in advance. *Fingers crossed!*
RanDom-DumDumDum #4 (I swear I am not drunk [yet])
I find that I am slightly grouchy when I go into Whole Foods now, because Grocery Boy is obviously (sigh) no longer working there AND no one will say where he's gone. Not that I've asked, of course. I can't think of a good nonchalant way to do it.
And then there is this:

Hello, Second Husband, how are you today?
The End.