Dear dear young & talented Sara at Subjective Beauty has deemed my blog "Fabulous" with this, well, fabulous badge:

I'm pretty sure I looked just like that in Paris last summer.
Many genuine thanks to Sara for the compliment; I only hope I can live up to it.
To accept this award I must post it on my blog, nominate 10 blogs to receive this award, link to the blogs I nominate, and notify the nominees. To accept your award, simply follow the same procedure.
Here are some of my favorites in the Most Fabulous Blogs category:
- Mama Milton
- Vintage Thirty
- Beanpaste
- Katydidnot
- Traveling Through Time and Space
- San Diego Momma
- Spiral Bound
- Mel, A Dramatic Mommy
- Holly's Never Ever Land
- AR and Proud
You will instantly feel far more fabulous once you've visited these brilliant women, guaranteed.