I do not mean to imply I begrudge corporate leaders their salaries, or bonuses or jets or any other perks they earn by running a lucrative business. What I find dismaying is those who are given such salaries et cetera at the expense of their workers' & companies' integrity. Which is why I refuse to shop at a certain soul-sucking store, but I digress.
I know many people have faced and will face far more dire consequences than we will; I pray more for Stu's coworkers and all the other families across our country losing jobs than I do for our family at this point.
Essentially, what I mean to say is - I should have been reigning in my spending and living more frugally & thoughtfully long before now, but here we are and here are my best ideas for us so far:
- Date night = Wine at the neighbors' (their wine, of course)
- Compensate teenage babysitters by editing & typing their research papers
- Continue skipping breakfast & lunch
- Alternative date night = Reading Willamette Week personal ads to each other
- Download all CDs to iTunes then sell discs to Music Millenium for cash
- Use CD cash for special date night at Chipotle
- Give the gift of my love & friendship for everyone's birthday [I'll throw in a handmade card]
- Fine students $1 for every "F*ck," "F*ckin'," or "F*cker" uttered in my general atmosphere
- Memorize free admission days to art museum, history museum, science museum, and zoo (and arrive at dawn to get in line)
- Total potluck/BYOB for this year's Oscar party; my love & friendship [plus handmade card] for swag
- Moratorium on children growing to next clothing/shoe sizes
- Raise our own cow for brie production
- Rally for Double Coupon Day at Whole Foods
Live, from my blog (and many others), it's Thursday Thirteen