Me & the man who indulges my delusional pseudo-groupie behavior
(Thanks again to Sam for pilfering the poster!)
I know I'm a complete lame ass for not taking photos at the actual concert; Stu tried with his cell phone but they turned out looking like bad UFO sightings. I really wish I could have captured the slightly disdainful, contemptuous (but ohmyGod still hot in a bad bad boy way) looks from Jody or the sweet, geekish enrapt faces of Chris & Adam but alas. [Brian on drums is usually cute *see striped shirt guy in poster* but resembled Grizzly Adams last night so I'm leaving him off my list of must-have-gotten shots; no offense to very hairy bearded individuals, it's just not my thing].
The concert was slightly longer than last time and they did play most of the songs I missed then (I take this as a sign that they read mynumerous pleading e-mails blog and only want to please me), plus it was 21+ which is good for not having teenagers squealing near me [I just want to be away from teenagers on my days off, please God] and for being able to drink my vanilla Cosmo outside of a roped area. But that distinction really seemed to mean "AARP discounts this way!" The volume of near-geriatric, sitting-the-entire-time (!!!) fans was kind of weird, though it certainly helped make me feel young & hot.
The concert was slightly longer than last time and they did play most of the songs I missed then (I take this as a sign that they read my
In the end, a pleasant time. Though I'm still hoping for a return e-mail or post-concert party invitation someday; for now I'll settle for Facebook friendship. Oh yes I did.