And so. In the next week, I look forward to:
- Dancing! I found a place in Portland to take my man for his birthday celebration - we used to dance every weekend at Panic City (yes it was as 90s-tastic as it sounds) but haven't in
hundredsa bunch of years - Visiting the zoo
- Scavenger hunt at the art museum
- Creating real live detailed lesson plans for the final 11 weeks of school [that equals 55 days, fyi]
- Catching up on lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of favorite blogging bloggers' blogs
- Watching movies into the wee hours
- Some sleeping in
- Some housecleaning
- Making delicious & nutritious meals and snacks [stop laughing]
- Playdates with friends
- Road trip to visit my mom, dad & sister
- Date night in Seattle
- 40th birthday party with our favorite college friend
Thursday 13 is like a mini-vacation on your screen