Sunday, May 31, 2009

i'd like 'exhausting but fulfilling experiences' for $500, please

A bike pedal-shaped bruise, the joy of watching teenagers kindly help strangers, a less cluttered classroom, much-needed exercise & conversation for 2 1/2 hours, and a night's sleep like no other.

What do you get from organizing a multi-family garage sale and walking at Relay for Life on the same day?

Too tired & achy to type anymore complete sentences; formatting & loading the pictures means nap before church. But my heart = happy & full.

Our school scored more than $500,
partly thanks to my intrepid sign boy

These guys might have eaten more than they sold
but they had a fabulous time anyway

Tattoos for Life
Our Renegades' booth sold temporary tats at the Relay

Mom & Dad went for the real rebel deal

Why we all walk

In memory