- My boy & his dad sharing hot chocolate and manly man time at the Boy Scout tree lot.
- My girl watching Landon Pigg's darling Falling In Love At A Coffeeshop video and swooning with me. Twice.
- My best friends scrambling to adjust their schedules so they could come with me to my follow-up exam this week.
- Stumptown coffee & pastries with my best friends after the All Clear appointment.
- Students who say things like "You're really funny, Mrs. S" and "I LOVE having these discussions in class, thank you!" I'm serious - teenagers occasionally say this kind of stuff. And mean it.
- Um. Landon Pigg again. He's just so precious. (And we've spoken! Real sentences! In person, with each other! I was not arrested right after, either)
- Terminator Salvation - surly but sexy Christian Bale, Sam Worthington as a smoldering hot redeemed convict, cute little Anton Yelchin, and a PG-13 rating so I can show it in my Sci Fi class.
- My man ordering yet more of my favorite black tea for home & classroom. Honestly, I should never be tired.
- Knee-high socks! Truly. I wear them everyday.
- Immaculate Baking's cranberry-orange scones ON SALE! They are like warm heaven in my mouth.
- Christmas cards & pictures arriving.
- Surprise treats in my mailbox from the Very Crafty, Very Generous Very Mary and the so lovely & thoughtful & together Texan Mama. (Thank you again, ladies!)
- My Lovey Dovey iPod playlist. Which includes, of course, you know who.

It's beginning to look a lot like
Thursday (13)