Here is the result, which I will try not to send to the crazy person who assailed me about my "perfect life" last year. I share it with you because I consider my readers - the long-term, the faithful, the jaded diehards along with the new and/or occasional - friends; I'm hoping to make another go of BlogHer next year and would love to meet with any of you who want to say hey. And God bless us, everyone! Cue Hallmark music.
Hello & happy holidays, friends & family
A quick overview of what we have & have not done in the past year:

We did not get a dog.
We did vote for Democrats.
We did not see any vampire movies.
We did watch Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince on opening day.
We did not go camping or to Disneyland or Europe or Hawaii.
We did spend a sunny summer weekend in Lincoln City, Oregon.
We did not enter the sandcastle competition but played some intense air hockey.
We did get a new vehicle which IS NOT A MINIVAN
(it’s a Mazda 5 Multi-Purpose Vehicle).
We did not regret relinquishing the 1981 Volvo wagon to some happy Oregonians.
One of us has a pleasant new non-Hewlett-Packard engineering job in SE Portland.
One of us has the same high school teaching job, in a different (not yet new) building.
One of us entered middle school and only occasionally acts like he thinks his parents are morons.
One of us is a 4th grade Peer Mediator AND Safety Patrol Guard; good skills for a little sister to hone.
One of us has been expertly installing wood floors in the hallway & master bedroom.
One of us went to Cowboys Stadium with her dad for the Redskins game and is still recovering her voice.
One of us keeps playing trombone and another continues to delight in choir.
One of us has been trustworthy, loyal, helpful and more with his Boy Scout son.
One of us soon gets to have crutches & wear a boot on her bunion-free foot.
One of us grew 4 inches since last fall and one of us got her ears pierced.
We look forward to seeing & hearing from you soon.
All of us
wish you
a very
new year.
[It's supposed to resemble a Christmas tree but Blogger is not bending to my will and formatting the way I want it to; sorry. Please don't send hate e-mail]