Monday, November 26, 2012

MANday Monday ~ Walking drop Dead gorgeous

Let me take care of those zombies for you.

I am a latecomer to The Walking Dead series, mainly because we are cheap cable people. But after being assigned to guard a table for two of the stars at Emerald City Comicon last year, I decided it was important that I obsess about take a look at it.

Jon Bernthal is the guy I met at ECCC and while supercute & very nice, I became more smitten with the charming & chivalrous Sheriff Rick in the show.

I watched an entire season before realizing Andrew Lincoln is a) British and b) the darling dude in love with his best friend's girl in the irresistibly treacly quintessential chick flick Love Actually.

Adorable, actually

Then I had to dig out my DVD to watch it again. And again. 1st husband has grown weary.
As far as I can tell, Mr. Lincoln's only fault is having a ridiculously whiny onscreen wife, which was [SPOILER ALERT] remedied this season.

So now, no more debates. Happy Monday, America.